It's been over a year since we have wanted to do a cute picture of all 7 of the grandkids. This week we finally got the opportunity. After celebrating my oldest daughter Crystal's birthday, we headed to the park. Looking back now it might have been a better idea to wait and have the cake and ice cream after the photo shoot. Fully loaded with sugar from the sweets we set out in 3 separate cars. (It takes a lot of carseats to get all those kids everywhere.) We arrived at our destination with smiles on our faces and thankful for overcast skies and a nice cool breeze. This was going to be great!
My photographer daughter Lauren gets everyone set with the help of her sister Crystal and the camera starts it's rapid fire of clicks trying to catch that just right moment. I amused myself by taking pictures of my own of all the action. That's right, I was of little help with the actual true photos. When you are the grandmommy you get to do the fun stuff and leave all the fussing to the parents.
First pose baby Lauchlan decides to grab Annalee's hair. Anna happens to be our most sensitive headed child but no tears since it was baby Lauchlan who dealt the injury. We didn't last long here before it was time to move on. Once released from the pose they all took off in separate directions and immediately thought the photo session was over and it was time to play.
After a few choice threats by the photographer, they regrouped and moved on to the next pose area. Mckinlee whines because she has sand in her sandals but I quickly brushed it out and that crisis was over. It took some compromise on who would hold the baby and who got to sit in the chair or on the ladder but we were still all smiling. Yippee!
Deuce had a little trouble holding up his letter in this pose. He likes to play and he loves his cousin Mikey. It didn't take long for everyone to start complaining in this area. Seemed that all that sugar made them very sweet and therefore extremely tasty to some bugs. We are a little itchy at this point but we are still somewhat happy. I think we might can get in a few more shots before the sun sets if everyone cooperates. We gather up and head to a less buggy area.
All moved and reset and Miss McKinlee has had about all this picture taking stuff she wants. Nothing will do, she is just not going to smile. Mikey clasps his head in disbelief that we have to wait for someone to smile.
Grandmommy decides maybe it's time for us to make a silly face picture. This gives us a little time to cheer up and possibly smile for just a few more shots. Tanner is too cool to make a face for us of course and Kambri is just trying to hold a pose and a baby.
Looks as though one of those bugs flew up Deuce's nose and when Lauren counts heads she notices someone is missing in this pose. Uncle Mike is having a good time playing with the baby. Lauchlan is delivered and the photo taking proceeds.
Crystal and Lauren think maybe we can get a quick shot of Grandmommy and all the kids so I hand off my camera to Mike and have a seat. The wind kicks up a bit and by this time control is soon to be a thing of the past. Check out Deuce in the bottom left corner of this picture. The final blow is being dealt to Mikey's tummy as baby Lauchlan looks on! Smiles turn to tears and it's unanimous, THAT'S A WRAP!
So at the end of the day, Lauren did manage to get some good shots and we made a fun memory. Now it looks like maybe we should go and work on our spelling!
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